viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

La primera secuenciación completa del ADN de un anuro provee claves sobre la evolución del genoma de los vertebrados

Frog DNA Yields Clues to Vertebrate Genome Evolution
de Elizabeth Pennisi

Add another group of animals to the growing menagerie of creatures whose genomes have been sequenced. On page 633 of this week's issue of Science, researchers describe the sequence of the Western clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis, the first member of the amphibian branch of the tree of life to be so honored. Researchers chose X. tropicalis to be the first amphibian sequenced because developmental biologists use it in their studies and it has a relatively small genome: 1.7 billion bases stretched across 10 chromosomes, about half the size of the human genome. Now, researchers are hungry for more.
Science 30 April 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5978, p. 555
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