viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

HOY es el día de salvar a los anuros!

Save The Frogs Day - April 30th, 2010

"This is truly an amazing resource for teachers and students. Thanks so much." -- Pam Chergotis, Managing Editor of The Chronicle.


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The 2nd Annual Save The Frogs Day (April 30th, 2010) is the single largest day of amphibian education and action in the planet's history. Save The Frogs Day events taking place in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, India, Italy, Ireland, Madagascar, Nepal, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA. Get your country involved!

Donate To Save The FrogsIn an effort to raise awareness of the plight of amphibians, the scientific community has declared Friday April 30th, 2010 the 2nd Annual 'Save The Frogs Day'. On this day we encourage the appreciation and celebration of amphibians by people from all walks of life.

Please get involved and help spread the word! Only a small proportion of our public is aware that frogs are disappearing, and amphibian conservation efforts will not be successful with an un-informed public. Our goal is to make the amphibian extinction crisis common knowledge by Save The Frogs Day: help make it happen!

Save The Frogs Day 2010 is a de-centralized event: that means it's up to you to make something happen in your part of the universe. The frogs are depending on you. Your children and their children are depending on you. The future of the planet lies in your hands and in your actions. SAVE THE FROGS!
Sign The Petition To Get Atrazine Banned!

Please sign our petition to get the harmful herbicide Atrazine banned! Atrazine is one of the world's most common pesticides: over 80 million pounds of it were used on American crops last year, and it has been in use for 50 years. This harmful pesticide turns male frogs into females at concentrations as low as 2.5 parts per billion. Atrazine causes cancer in laboratory mammals and developmental problems in fish. Atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide in rainwater, groundwater and tapwater in the USA. Atrazine spray gets lifted into the clouds, travels hundreds of miles and then falls down from the sky in rainwater: half a million pounds of it each year.

Frogs and humans share half our DNA, so Atrazine can't be good for humans either. That's likely why the European Union banned the harmful pesticide in 2004. But the company that produces it, Syngenta (based in Switzerland!) has $11 billion in revenues, and has a huge lobby to keep Atrazine on the market in the USA. Our goal is to get Atrazine banned by the 3rd Annual Save The Frogs Day (April 29th, 2011)!

Please sign the petition right now! We'll be sending it to Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

But that's not all we're going to do! Please join us in Washington, D.C. on Sunday October 24th 2010 on the International Day of Pesticide Action, an event we conceived and will coordinate with nonprofit partners around the world. We are sure that with your participation, we can rally 100,000 people to march through the streets of DC from the steps of the Capitol to the Environmental Protection Agency demanding a federal ban on Atrazine, the 21st Century's DDT. More info on the International Day of Pesticide Action is to come!

Please be sure to also ask your friends to sign the petition. Thanks, and we'll see you in Washington, D.C. on October 24th!
Save The Frogs Day Webinar

“How long do frogs live? How many types of frogs are there? What’s the difference between a frog and a toad? Why are frogs disappearing worldwide and what can be done to save them?” Save The Frogs Founder Dr. Kerry Kriger will answer all these questions and more as he introduces people around the world to The Wild World of Frogs in this inaugural Save The Frogs Day Webinar. The slideshow presentation features many of his photos of amphibians from around the world, and he will outline his vision for the future. There will be a question and answer session following the presentation.

WHEN: Friday April 30th at 2:30pm US Pacific Time.
Find out your local time here.

REGISTER: This very special Save The Frogs Day Webinar is free, but space is limited, so reserve your space now. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.


2 comentarios:

  1. Atrazine is the single most widely used herbicide in sweet corn, applied to fields before crop emergence, after crop emergence, or at both times. Manufacturers of many of the other herbicides recommend tank-mixing with
    atrazine to increase their products' effectiveness.

  2. Atrazine is found in more than 50 agricultural herbicide products. It's an economical way for farmers to keep weeds out of their sugar cane, corn, sorghum and other crops.
